Canvas Print Frame
I turned a photo of my daughter into an 11"x14" canvas print from Amazon as a Christmas gift for my Mom. The print looked beautiful but I thought I could make it look even better. I chose to build a 3/4" thick, 1" tall mahogany frame around the print.
I started off with a 4' board, cross cut it to the length I needed, and ripped it down to 1" strips.
With the frame sides ripped to width, I took them to the miter saw and cut 45° angles.
Bit by bit, I took off material until I had the exact measurements that matched my canvas print.
Next, I put a rabbet bit in the router table set to 1/4", made a few test cuts, and ran the long edge of the frame sides through. Next time, I would cut these rabbets before cutting the 45° miters, allowing the wiggle room to trim off tear out.
Cutting roughly halfway though the 3/4" width material gives enough room to nail the eventual 1/4" backer-board.
With a quick project like this, tracing out the inside of the frame on the plywood is sufficient. I took it to the table saw and cut along the pencil lines.
The goal of a picture frame is to make the photo the star. I didn't want the inner frame or backer-board to take away from the print so I taped the front and outer sides off with painters tape.
Two coats of semi-gloss black spray paint over the rear side of the mahogany cover the back and inside of the frame.
The face of the plywood backer gets the same treatment.
A small project like this doesn't need the added effort of cleaning out the HVLP sprayer. A few coats of polyurethane from the spray can does the job, sanding with 220 grit sandpaper between coats. Mahogany looks the best with a simple clear finish.
Using the drill press, counter-sunk holes are bored to attach the canvas print to the backer board.
Learning from past mistakes, I covered the print with cardboard before flipping it face down to drive screws through the frame into the canvas mount.
After attaching the frame to the plywood, 1/2" brad nails from the nail gun with a light bead of glue hold the backer-board to the frame rails.
Finding the center and nailing in a picture hanger wraps up the build.
Simple projects like a photo frame are often the most rewarding. Going out in the shop with nothing but an idea and tape measure always seem to end with the most satisfying results.